FAQ – frequently asked questions

Do you own a property or are you a long-term renter?





Less financial burden

Freedom and mobility of choice

There is no need to solve the property problems



Dependence on the landlord

The rent could be used to pay the mortgage

Investment in foreign property





An investment that preserves and multiplies capital

Status and independence

Can be rented at 6-10% income or sold at a profit



Significant financial costs




– Residency required

– Lots of offers

– Protection of rights



– Contract for 1 year with state registration

– Notified tenants 12 months before eviction

– State control over rent increases

– Tenant’s consent to access the property



– The average price of the annual contract is 6-10% of the real estate price

– Payments from 1 to 12 checks per year

– Deposit from $500 to $10,000

– Agency commission 5%




– No property and income tax

– Acquisition to full ownership

– Interest-free payment plans from the developer and mortgage are available



– Deposit 10-30%

– Residency required to obtain a mortgage and income between $3,000 and $4,000

– Average service costs from 20 to 80 USD per m2 per year

– Agency commission 0% on the primary market, 2% on the secondary market


So buy or rent? Whatever your preference, our experts will help you choose the best options.

A mortgage is a type of loan provided by banks that is secured by the property being purchased. In most countries, it is the most popular tool for buying a home.


A payment plan is a method of payment where the price of the property is divided into instalments and paid directly to the developer.


Interest rate:


MORTGAGE: in Dubai the average rate is from 3 to 5% per annum.


PAYMENT PLAN: interest free, no fee




MORTGAGE: in Dubai the maximum repayment period is 25 years


PAYMENT PLAN: covers construction period + in some cases extends for another 2-4 years after handover




MORTGAGE: from 20% per Dubai resident, 40% if the buyer already has a mortgage. Due to

the extended duration of the mortgage, the instalments are relatively smaller.






MORTGAGE: used in the primary and secondary market


PAYMENT PLAN: primary market only


Resident Emirates:


MORTGAGE: necessary, it is difficult to get a loan without a residence visa


PAYMENT PLAN: resident status not required


  • Choosing one of these methods depends on the client’s goals and resources.
  • Sometimes both can be used.
  • Our experts will help you find the best solution.


Escrow accounts in the real estate market were introduced over 15 years ago by the Government of Dubai to protect the interests of investors. 


What does escrow mean? 

This is a special bank account to which buyers make payments for off-plan projects. Money is kept until certain obligations are met. 


Which law governs escrow accounts? 

Law No. 8 Concerning Escrow Accounts for Real Property Development in the Emirate of Dubai dated June 28, 2007. 


Who is required to open escrow accounts? 

Every developer who wants to sell off-plan properties in Dubai. 


What does a developer need to open an escrow? 

The developer needs to provide a license, a title deed for the plot, contracts with contractors, project documentation, drawings, etc. 


Who manages the account? 

The bank acts as an escrow agent and manages the account under the constant supervision of the Dubai Land Department and RERA. 


Does the developer use one escrow account for all projects? 

No. One project = One account. For each project, the developer needs to open a separate escrow. 


Can the developer’s creditors recover funds from the account? 

No, the account is not opened for the developer, but for the project and all proceeds are intended exclusively for its construction. 


What are the escrow funds for? 

To cover the bills of contractors and project consultants. Not all developer costs are billable. Only up to 5% can be used for marketing. General overheads and funds for the purchase of land cannot be paid from the account. 


When is the money from the account paid out? 

The agreement between the developer and the bank fixes the main stages of construction, to which payments from the account are tied. The bank checks the construction, confirms the completion of the stage and pays directly to contractors. 


Are there guarantees after the completion of the project? 

Yes, the bank retains 5% of the total amount for 1 year after the handover of the project as a guarantee that the developer will eliminate possible defects.